
4th Year, Multimedia Industry Perspectives, Group Project

Business Ideas:

We came up with five different business models to start with – the ‘UL Dating App’, the ‘Going Out App’, ‘UL Student Job Seeker’ website, ‘What Room?’ app and the ‘Student Swap Shop’ website. Having listed the pros and cons individually it was quite clear to us that the ‘Going Out’ app had the most potential out of the five to make money.

‘Sláinte’ Going Out Application – Business Model Canvas (BMC):

My roles for this assignment consisted of doing up the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of each of the five ideas to choose the best product idea. Following this I created the final BMC for ‘Sláinte’ [pictured below] and created the group presentation.

The idea of the ‘Sláinte’ application is to allow users to travel to a location they have never been to before and see what the nightlife is like around. As an example, for two people organising a night out in Limerick, they can use the app to see if there are any student near by hosting a party you can join. When matched on the app and put in contact with the party thrower, the users can then check out what promotions the night clubs and pubs in town are offering for the party. The app users can then avail of what venue has the best promotions and can organise entry and free drinks for the party.


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